I just saw the 150 also - definitely be contacting her tomorrow if you can. Your midwife will hopefully be less dismissive than triage
Mine was 137/75 in clinic on Wednesday and was told that was borderline high and they wanted it to come down while I was there! I’d definitely be highlighting it again especially with your history and with a headache!
The fact you feel unwell and have a headache I'm not sure why she's ignoring that. If you feel you can get hold of your midwife tomorrow then I would but if you're feeling really poorly call back. You know you're body better than anyone else. If they're still unhelpful ask them to document in your notes that you asked to be seen and they declined that.
Hi, I’m a midwife / mum to be🤍 Please re contact your maternity triage or present without calling as these readings are raised. Any headaches, blurred vision, sudden swelling or feeling unwell paired with high blood pressure should be investigated for pre-eclampsia. I’m so sorry they were dismissive and did not listen to you! They will recheck your blood pressure, your urine and do some blood tests to rule everything out x
Anything over 140/90 is considered high/abnormal, so some readings are ok x
I personally would be making this pattern known to doctors. xx
How have you got on OP?!
I think 140 and over is cause for concern in pregnancy but probably not reason for panic. I'd speak to midwife if I noticed mine was going above 140