We’re doing a power wheel that has a controller to be controlled by us. We’re doing lots of learning toys. Balance bike. Water table. And some clothes.
I don’t know what your budget is but my sister got my daughter a balance bike! I think she paid $50, but I saw one on Facebook marketplace for $20 this morning! My aunt got her a wooden music instrument set which I think was $40, but it’s soooo cute. And they also have those Montessori climbing sets which are like $80 regular price but there’s so many on Facebook marketplace for a lot less! 😊
At this age, one of my kiddos favorite toys are kitchen stuff! So, I feel he would like anything we get him and get exited about it. So no need to stress about it!
We’re doing ball pit and I refurbished a Cozy coupe :)
my baby got more developmental toys and ones that get her to engage more than just chewing and shaking. I got her the sit to stand walker with the activity board on the front part.
Balance bike and trucks!
Im just asking for clothes from family members. This is my second boy and we have too many toys. I am done with the toys till a toy purge. Maybe some books to read to baby?