If it helps, I just lounge around all day because I’m constantly tired! Barely get out of pjs and couldn’t tell you the last time I cooked an actual meal that wasn’t just something on toast 🙂 my baby doesn’t know the house needs a tidy and there’s washing needing done and the baby is the only one I’m worried abouts opinion atm… so you’re doing amazing, take it easy on yourself 💕
Mine is 9 weeks old now and I still feel the same way 🙈 I try and break things down into smaller tasks that only take 10-20 minutes as my baby only sleeps for around 45 mins at a time now. I feel like I should be doing more but at the same time she will only be this little once and she is my main focus so sod it 🤷🏼♀️ don’t compare yourself to others, you have no idea what support etc they have and it’s irrelevant really anyway. This is your time with your baby so just enjoy it:
If I get out it feels like an actual major achievement 😅 and usually requires me getting everything (baby bag, outfits for us both, shower etc) ready the night before. For the first few weeks I had to ask my mum to come round just so I could get through some washing and get organised. And 8 weeks in it still annoys me that I can’t get on top of the cleaning but I’m trying not to think about it, I’ll look back and regret worrying about it so much x
@Kristy totally agree with you finding time to do things round the house is a nightmare as you don’t know how long your little one will sleep for we had our 6-8 week appointment this morning and we were running around like headless chickens I want to start going to baby groups but don’t feel like there is enough hours in the day x
Same! I didn’t brush my hair today and have been in pj’s everyday. I only have been out to go to hospital appointments, otherwise have not left the house yet and baby is 5 weeks. She likes to be held allllll the time (even while sleeping) , so I struggle to get things done. I count it a victory if I can put the washing in and make lunch and then take the washing out for the day lol. I’m just counting on it getting better when she is a bit older ❤️.
I totally am with you! My baby is 8 weeks today, also won’t just sit in bouncer for more than 10 mins before he cries. He has also always struggled with trapped wind and we now think it’s possibly cows milk protein allergy. So I am anxious to take him out incase he screams. All I see is influencers enjoying their baby bubble and out having lovely lunches with makeup on. I barely have time to brush my teeth. My friend the other day said it’s not newborn bubble it’s the newborn storm! Message me anytime - I see you! 🤍
Omg same! Sometimes just having time to get out of my pjs or having lunch for the day is a win. Its still so hard to get everything ready and go out some days so i pop my little one in the pushchair and have a walk around our back garden so im having some fresh air. Or I just pop some music on for us in the house or put dancing fruits on YouTube for us. The fact that you’re worrying about the amount of time you are interacting with your baby just shows you are a great mom which is more than enough 🥰 I also feel like social media is never a true representation so don’t worry about what others are doing. My current picture is me looking presentable whilst holding the baby and my living room looks spotless! I think I’ve looked like that once and i can’t even remember hoovering or mopping my floors in the last month. Don’t feel like you have to do everything, your baby doesn’t care if the house is clean or if you take them out to Costa, they’re happy to be fed and near you x
I keep telling myself that it will get better. I just need my confidence to grow a little so I can start having more faith in myself. You’re doing amazing 🥰
Thank you all, this is so reassuring and definitely don't feel as alone with this group 💕
You don't have to compare yourself with other moms. The bond you share with your baby is unique and definitely special. Start activities for like 10 minutes a day and work on one day at a time. You got this!