Wishing you lots of luck!! I had my egg retrieval in March and my successful FET in April. Happy to chat!
Mine is anticipated for 11/10 you’ll be around the same?
@Charlotte yeah they said it will be some time between 11/6 and 11/14 !
@Claire thank you!!
@Karyn great I can chat you when I get my cycle started or vice versa would love to compare notes!
Hi, im currently on birth control until 10/17. I start stims on 10/20. Dont have a set date for egg retrieval as of yet but maybe will be end of this month
I'm scheduled for egg retrieval the week of 11th November
@Mary same here ! Between 11/6-11/11 they said
I start ivf this week! Extraction end of October. I hope you have a healthy, happy journey. 💖
Hi Karyn! I’ve just started my stims for my first IVF cycle, hoping for egg collection in the next week or two. Good luck! Happy to messaged if you have any questions xx