Your body is beautiful, don't let anyone make you feel any less. You deserve so much better than the way he's treated you
Don’t let a man belittle you. You look great and I’m sure you’re beautiful
You are sexy as fuck girl! 😍
Stop! You have a nice body!!! Time to bring your self esteem up! 👏🤍
@Michelle I’m not hating in any way, but I feel this comment may not be the most appropriate for the post you’ve commented on. This woman looks phenomenal, she shouldn’t have to change anything about her for her man/ex man to change. Your partner should think you’re the sexiest woman alive regardless, if he doesn’t, there’s a million other men or women out there that will see nothing but beauty. The gym can help with mental and physical health and self confidence but maybe that’s not what op needs to hear right now. What she needs is to be lifted up because she is ENOUGH, more than enough. I know you didn’t have ill intentions, but I know this comment wouldn’t have made me feel great if it was me it was aimed at x
Get that man gone girl, you deserve someone to see you and treat you as what you are! A strong, sexy woman. Don’t settle for any less, because you WILL find that❤️ don’t let a laim ass man determine your worth, he will regret ever treating you like that when you’re thriving being treat like royalty! Or even just loving yourself and. Being a fucking beautiful independent woman. Find yourself, enjoy your life and accept nothing but the best! Message me if you want, let’s build eachother up, you don’t need to change anything unless you want to for yourself in a healthy way, not to change who you are to try and get a man’s approval, you don’t need it when you love yourself and your amazing body and soul🩵🩵
You're perfect hun ❤️
You look beautiful to me!