I've been in a feed, wind, put down once asleep, wake up looking for boob cycle for an hour n a half now! Gonna give up and watch TV xx
Currently sandwiched between my three year old and the next to me crib where my baby is pooping as straight after me changing her nappy 😂
My 3 week old has a war against sleep i'm currently trapped with him laying on my belly, so thirsty but can't reach my water and need to pump but also can't reach them. One sudden movement and he'll be screaming the house down 🙃
@Maria Vittoria classic!
@Kim I did the same. Tv on for a bit for my own sanity
@Aoife you are a champion for sleeping with both though! Newborns nappies don’t stay clean for long do they 🙈
@sophie elizabeth nothing is ever in reach is it! Nap trapped is a real thing. I’m either so thirsty or bursting for a wee
Some nights are great, aren't they. My 5 weeks old is fighting his sleep so I am warming some more milk up, and while is getting warmer I am seeing him closing his eyes. Every single time ahahahha waste of 🥛