Please tell me it’s not just my kid

My 3 year old does NOT listen to me at all. Everyday is a constant battle and I feel like I’m failing as a mom. It’s the worst feeling ever because I see other kids his age who are so well behaved. It makes me feel like shit because I’m trying so hard
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You’re not failing as a mom 23 and four are really difficult age. I taught kindergarten for four years. I’m special in general Ed certified. I also have a five at three and a 1 1/2 year-old please PM me I can definitely give you some tips of what to try consistency is key. Also, give yourself a break being a mom is hard and you got this sometimes it just every child different and you have to figure out what works for them and it’s a trial and error type thing but I can help you figure out what works best and that’ll give yousome peace of mind

Girl I feel you on this my 3 year old makes me feel like I’m failing all the time he’s good when he wants to be and then other times he just bad from screaming to crying to all of it he does it all and I don’t be knowing what to do at all

@Victoria that’s my son too! I swear 90% of the day he is throwing a tantrum and screaming crying. I feel so hopeless.

Mine too

I’m here with you I know it’s hard and very overwhelming if you ever wanna talk to just need an ear to vent to I’m here

It’s really difficult 😞 stage I feel like as moms we just want to be the best we can be and lately I feel like I’m failing at everything when it comes to my 3y old

@Genevieve that’s how I feel everyday. It’s awful. 😔 because I keep thinking I’m doing something wrong and that I’m not a good mom because I can’t get my child to behave or listen to me

3 is the literal worst age ever.

My 3 year old boy doesn’t listen at all. This is all new too. You are not alone😭😭😭

My 3 and 4 year old don’t listen either in fact they laugh at me and stare when I talk to them it’s like I’m talking to myself and I’ve seen other kids they age be good and the mothers handle it great makes me feel defeated

Each new stage feels like the new hardest one. 😵‍💫 We just out here surviving at this point. Hugs to you mamabear, give yourself some grace.

It’s the age. You aren’t failing. Some days are easier than others but they are at the stage where they want to “do it themselves”. Try to let them as much as they can and try to let them has as much control over situations as they can as they feel like to don’t have control over things so giving them choices often like do you want milk or juice to drink or do you want to sit in this chair or that chair or do you want to wear this outfit or that outfit…stuff like that helps. Also setting some boundaries and rules help too. My daughter knows when I start counting to 5 she knows she better listen before I get to 5 (or 1 if I’m counting down) if she doesn’t want to loose something or take a “calm down break” (I don’t do timeouts). But the important thing about the boundaries and rules is follow through; if you say this is your last warning and if you don’t do——- then you’ll loose ——-. Then you need to follow through with that or they won’t believe you . It takes time but it works.

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