It’s normal as in it can happen and probably does to a lot of women. I had a vaginal birth, an episiotomy and bad tear so I thought the discomfort I was having with sex was related to that. However it turned out to be hormonal, I was breastfeeding and my period was delayed for a long time. As soon as my period came back all the issues went away. Just sharing in case this is relevant to you.
I’m almost 4 months pp and sometimes sex is still uncomfortable in the first few minutes. What helped me the first time was I had a drink and relaxed and just got into the moment. Before the first time we tried a few times and it hurt too bad to continue.
I recommend you stay away from. Kegals. See a pf pt. Likely have hypertonic pelvic floor. I had pain with sex and in my gut I knew I shouldn't do kegals and I'm glad I didn't. Would of made it worse
Eh you might just need to work on your pelvic floor and core to help strengthen it. And just go slow and use lots and lots of line