@Amber oh is that right? I didn’t know that! So as it dips it knows that that test was the highest LH reading?
Yes. That’s what I’ve found anyway
@Amber I’ll test again early afternoon and see if there’s any change and get BD in any case! Pray for this cycle!! 🙏🏼
For anyone else yet to discover the Premom pattern, @Amber is completely right. I had a darker test at 12:45 and I lighter one at 4:30pm and the app changed the “high” to “peak” on my lunch time one once I got a fainter test later in the day. Thank you Amber! I’m so pleased I caught it!! x
No worries! It confused me at first but I just BD whenever we get a “high”
@Amber if I doubt, get jiggy 🤣
The app will only say peak when you get a lower reading so it knows it is peak. It looks pretty positive to me!