You can use formula up to 2 hrs from when it's prepared 1 hrs from when your baby starts drinking it. If you haven't touched the formula you can refrigerate for up to 24 hrs. You shouldnt reheat formula that has been already given to the baby
If you pre-make bottles they're good for 24 hours in the fridge, once made (if not drunk) then they're good for 2 hours - can also be put in the fridge if not drunk within the 2 hours and if they've started drinking from it they're good for an hour. My little boy is 14 weeks and on 180ml (6oz) every 3 hours or so but yeah I keep it for the hour and then bin it. Most of the time he will drink the lot within the hour though.
Take a look at the bottle instructions , usually says there
As others have said above re storage. But if she’s regularly not drinking the 5oz and you’re wasting it maybe just make 4oz instead?
1 hour after touching babies mouth, 2 hours room temp if not touched by baby. Fridge is 24 hours without touching babies mouth. Don’t feel bad! There’s way more info about breastfeeding out there than formula so thank you for asking! I plan to exclusively formula feed and it can be tricky to find!
Hello, so what my understanding is, from when bottle touches baby’s mouth. That milk is good for an hour. If you pre make bottles and put them in the fridge (without touching baby’s mouth) good for 24hours. Also, if you make up a bottle leave at room temp(not touched baby’s mouth) good for 2 hours.