@Elle (i can't see waves) ok that’s reassuring thank you ☺️
That's ok, honestly thou if you want to feel more at ease , the gp will see you and you can still talk about it x
Yes it's called an umbilical hernia My son had this. The muscle just needs to strengthen around there So when my son started sitting up himself I noticed it going down then it went completly He is 9 now and you wouldn't even know he had one I would say try not to worry and speak to them about your concerns at the 8 week appointment They would be able to assist you
@Lousha Thankyou that’s what I will do 🥰
Yeah my son was premature and developed a hernia like this, On the doctors rounds his specialist used to push it in made me squirm lol,,,, however he did say as he grows it will go back in which it has done and my son is 2, I would say by 1yrs it had gone in , Also if it becomes red seek advice x