
We’ve been introducing fruits to my 5 month old. He’s been doing great with everything he tried. We usually do the same fruit for 3 days to make sure he’s fine with it. The last 2 days he had strawberries. A super small amount, we just put a piece in his little feeder and let him nibble on it for a bit. He woke up like an hour into his night sleep crying so hard like in pain and gassy. That never happens. Only the last 2 nights when the only difference has been that he ate some strawberries. Does that mean he’s allergic?
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No they might just be too acidic for him. My son got a bad stomach after eating mango as a baby, he’s 4 now and it’s his favourite fruit but I avoided acidic things until he was one and a half after the mango incident

Doesn't sound like an allergy but I would try again later. There's a reason most blw guides suggest waiting until 6 months for solids. Their GI tract is still developing and might not be able to process food like it should just yet. I'd skip it for now and try again in a month.

A baby of 5 months doesn’t have the gut development to process solid foods. It will irritate the gut and can cause long term health issues later on. I’d stop all solids and try again after 6 months once baby meets all the signs of readiness. Once you do start you don’t need to repeat foods for 2-3 days you just need to leave 24 hours between each new allergen 😊

I found fruits irritated my girl more than root veggies and meats did. We have stayed away from most fruits since they are much higher in sugar and food is really only for fun until they start switching over to solids as primary caloric intake

@Yasmin due to delayed reactions, it’s recommended to introduce every day for one week since a reaction can happen on the 3/4/5 introductions and does not always happen on the first introduction. Is it not super likely, sure but also if the family has a history of any food allergens then the one week method should be followed

My daughter is allergic to strawberries and her face comes out in a rash after she’s had them

@Gillian not in the UK it isn’t 😊 this advice is very outdated. We go straight in with family meals from day 1 the only exception is allergens which we introduce one every 24 hours. I’m sure advice varies country to country but the source from the UK draws information from all worldwide health organisations for best practice. Of course everyone has to do what they’re comfortable with but imo you’ll just make a fussy eater giving one thing a week

@Julia are you sure she’s allergic and it’s not just a contact reaction? It’s super common for acidic fruits to cause contact reactions. If the rash is just on her face where the fruit has touched chances are it’s just a contact reaction 😊 of course speak to your HV for advice but just in case you weren’t aware x

@Yasmin Yes I am sure as it happens with other non acidic foods such as wheat. She is currently waiting to be seen by an allergic clinic due to multiple allergens and her dietitian has also agreed that it is an allergic reaction as it can happen hours afterwards as well x

My son is allergic to strawberries and he gets a rash all over his body usually 1-2 hours after coming in contact. He did have them a few times before showing a reaction as well.

Where I am from strawberries shouldn’t be introduced until a child is 1yo as strawberries are a major allergen and children can develop an intolerance if introduced too early.

@Danni where does this advice come from? People can be allergic to any food, but strawberries are not one of the top 9 allergens. Early introduction of allergens as soon as baby starts solids is actually recommended in order to prevent allergies. There’s no need to wait so long in between introducing new foods. You just want to be able to identify what caused a reaction, which is why allergens are introduced on their own. Shellfish, peanuts and tree nuts, soy, sesame, wheat, milk, eggs and fish are the top 9 allergens.

My little boy had a reaction to strawberry’s and he had blotches on his face we have been advised to try again at 8 months old. Obviously every baby is different though xx

@Yasmin this is actually current medical advice to be wary of reactions after multiple introductions of an allergen. It’s of course less likely to happen after the first introduction but this has been noticed more and more lately due to social media and doctors and allergists have been sharing why this happens and what causes it. Just because I’m not in the UK doesn’t mean I don’t do my research to find the best medical advice/practices and make informed decisions. I come from a family who studied STEM for their careers so it’s what we do

Too much fruit can cause constipation. Maybe try other foods and let your little one have a break from fruit

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