Due any day now but so anxious about labour and birth.

I honestly can’t get out my head!! I maybe have 10 minutes a day where I feel like the labour/birth will be okay… but all the other time I’m just so nervous! I’ve done hypnobirthing, read positive birth stories etc, but I just feel so worried still? I think it’s the pain and having to play an active role? Also the fact it could happen whenever with no warning! I also have to stay in the hospital after the birth for a couple days as baby needs extra monitoring which is freaking me out as my partner can only stay during visiting hours… so I will be alone caring for a new born straight away! Especially overnight… Just feel overwhelmed. Any advice??
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This is my first pregnancy so can’t speak from too much experience however I was definitely feeling similar. I think hypnobirthing helped but if you haven’t already read it I’d recommend Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth. I’ve only just started the book but really looks at birth in such a positive and empowering way so may help with confidence going into it- it’s certainly helped me change my perspective x

I think what can be helpful is knowing it’s going to happen regardless of how you feel. It’ll start and you just have to go with the flow and ride the sensations! Regarding your partner being able to stay, that’s ridiculous he’s not allowed to be there 24/7. Are you sure those aren’t old Covid rules?

Why can your partner only be there during visiting hours??? I’ve never heard of the support person having any kind of time frame. The hospital let my mom stay as long as she wanted as well.

Also, if you're looking at hypnobirthing, also check out dancing baby out. It helped me a lot. I danced with both of my kids, had some complications, which made labor more difficult, and was mediating through some contractions. I ended up having to get an epidural the second time around, but didn't with the first. Mindset does seem to make a difference. It's normal to stay in the hospital a few days after, it's good for staff helping you learn take care of your new baby.

The unknown is scary, how painful will it be, how you will handle it etc etc but what helped me was keeping moving and breathing through the pain as holding my breath seem to make it more painful. My partner could stay until I was moved onto anti natal ward then she had to leave but it was gone midnight by then

I was like this and was honestly fine and I had a big baby, no pain relief and was induced had a quick pushing stage and haemorrhaged. I had to stay with baby myself it wasn’t great but my partner was there all visiting and you have your baby so don’t feel alone x

All mums were allowed one person staying at all times on my postnatal ward though my husband went home so he was more use in the day. Tbh the snoring dads were really annoying anyway and when not snoring they were on their phones at all hours. My birth did not go to “plan” but I just wanted to say that it’s amazing how strong you can be during labour and the staff will be really supportive. I feel really alright with it now it’s done and feel like superwoman 🤣 as all mums are however they gave birth… or actually didn’t! I wanted to go home in the day but i was really glad of the extra support available for feeding and was actually quite sad to leave in the end…weird I know! Have you done any antenatal classes? We had a session on pain relief available and the situations where you can and can’t use each option plus pros and cons. That was helpful. It is completely overwhelming though. Could you ask your midwife about doing a visit? I know it’s offered where i am.

Pain is nothing get an epidural and if you’re giving birth in the hospital, you’re not gonna be alone you can leave the baby with the nurses in labor and delivery I did especially when I needed sleep and being a new mom is scary but they really do teach you everything you should only be there for two days. They provide diapers and wipes. I would provide going home. You’re not really alone when you’re in the hospital I promise you there’s nurses every couple of hours.

I spent most of labour on a ball at the end of the bed. I was a bit limited in movement due to being monitored but I was pretty happy really. Had no pain relief for the first few hours, just used a comb which you grip when you feel a contraction coming on. I then had gas and air. It really helped me if my husband applied pressure at the base of my spine when I felt a contraction coming on. I ended up having lots of interventions but honestly it was all fine, lots of people told me what was going on and the hormones are amazing 🤣

I’m pretty sure your support person is aloud to be there the whole time. Visitation is for the extra family. Unless your hospital is different but that is definitely not the norm.

Labor is a scary experience. But you just have to remember when it’s all over it will be the BEST thing you have ever done. You will be so proud of yourself and so happy you are seeing your baby. It’s truly such a beautiful experience. You will love it once it all said and done and you could do it everyday if it meant getting you kiddo❤️ don’t freak yourself out too much your gonna have to do it one way or another. Praying for a good experience for you☺️

I don't think anyone can truly help and prepare you because everyone's experience is different. Best advice I would give is to listen to and trust your body. It will all be worth it in the end when you have your baby. Good luck x

I had a 100% natural birth in the hospital with no interventions. The birth pains are enough for you to manage. Remember, our bodies are designed this way and trust that your body knows exactly what to do. Bring out the fierce lioness, you've got this sister.

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