My son is speech delayed and has been in private speech therapy for a year now. He’s got loads of single words and is now stringing 2-3 word sentences together. He’s caught up a lot but is still pretty behind. What was said at your two year check with the HV? Is he at nursery and if so, do they have any concerns? I’d definitely push to be referred for speech therapy at this stage I think. Some kids are just slower than others to talk but it can also be a sign of other things going on so it’s much better to look into it now than wait until they start school. What’s their understanding like? Do they follow instructions?
My little boy is exactly the same, we’re now on the waiting list to see a speech and language therapist and waiting to see a paediatrician for a full check over, he’s also been referred for a hearing test although I don’t think his hearing is the problem as he hears more than I do lol.
My daughter unfortunately can’t say any Words, she will be 3 on the 16th October :(
Please don’t feel like you’re the only ones because as a reception teacher I can tell you there is a major increase in the amount of children with speech delays we see every year. My advice would be to get a referral done for your little one asap because the waiting list is loooooong! Have you seen Yaka Dee on CBeebies? I think it’s brilliant for helping little ones to increase their vocabulary.
Our almost 3 year old is speech delayed too. A handful of words and has been having private speech and language therapy for 6 months. We have seen improvement, although slow. He also has referral to CAHMS for an autism assessment as we have seen other indicators. He has an application for an ECHP at nursery and a referral to NHS speech and language therapy. I second Yakka Dee, it’s brilliant.
My boy is the exact same! Over the last couple of weeks he’s saying a lot more words than he has been so I’m hopeful it won’t be much longer till he speaks full sentences!