@Rhianwen yeah so i talked to him tonight about it loads, even though ive taken his potty in for him to use they’re still making him go on the toilet. and ive asked them to let him just use his potty!! so ill be talking to them tomorrow about it
How long have you been potty training? We have this with my son. He hates being asked if he needs to use the potty and always says no. He only goes if he asks himself (which he will never do if he is very distracted or in a new environment). We’ve been potty training about three weeks and still get 1 or two accidents a day at nursery and none at home. If we are anywhere new and exiting he is 100% accidents 🫠
I've been in on visits to a few different nurseries for work and my bestfriend works in a nursery and the number of young girls who think it's an easy job and sit gabbing all day is sky high. This is probably a combination of 'we know better' from staff, not paying close enough attention to the children and him getting carried away playing. It's extremely frustrating, all you can do really is have a serious talk with the nursery about following your direction and his cues or looking for a new nursery 😪
@Amber literally this. i’m so annoyed i asked them yesterday to keep taking him the loo every 30/60mjns and this morning you know what she says to me ‘i think what we’ll do today is just take him the loo every 30 mins’ i was fuming, i nearly said ‘do you guys listen to what im saying!!’ im going to see how he gets on today. i also asked them to just put him on his potty as he’s very comfortable with that but not so keen on the toilet and she said his potty is in there but he doesn’t ask to go on it 😩
My daughter went through it temporarily when she changed groups at nursery and then again a few months later when sone younger kids joined the group, the nursery thought she was kind of copying the younger ones as she had been dry for ages by this point. They started reward chart with her again and it fixed it.
I was in the exact same situation for 2-3 weeks. I talked to them and gradually improved. It's not fair because it's giving the little one mixed messages