My kids are 12 months apart And honestly I was nervous the whole pregnancy. Like how am I gonna juggle two babies at once by myself! And honestly the first couple days was a bit rough, but now it’s a breeze. So moral of the story don’t even worry about it right now just enjoy your first baby by themselves and everything else will fall into place on its own xox
Don’t rush yourself! It’s still early it’s ok to be worried, nervous and scared doesn’t mean you won’t love baby just the same. You are just processing totally normal and human.
I found out I was pregnant 7 months postpartum - so I had my second son when my first was 18 months old. Sadly I was racked with guilt and scared of having a second so soon that I didn’t enjoy the pregnancy like I wish I had. Once I had my second son that ALL went away, you fall in love and your heart grows, watching the bond form over time with the two kids is beautiful too. Don’t stress too much over it, if you can and have it ask for support from friends and family. And trust me - your toddler will still be the main show even when baby is here haha
My kids are 15 months apart and they are 8 and 9 right now and honestly it was the best thing I think- they are best of friends and share so much and having them be able to have each other to play with was so helpful for me! Yeah during the diaper years it was rough but I would not change it!
I started feeling excitement at 20weeks. We even planed for Irish twins and still it was a lot from the first test. It got easier with us at 2 months post partum. The regression stopped and everyone started sleeping through the night which was amazing. Our second had medical issues too so we had some added stress with her arrival but she’s almost grown out of it at 3 1/2 months