Faint positive?

Is it just my dodgy eyes or does anyone else see a very faint positive line? My period was due today but me being incredibly impatient wanted to take a test as soon as possible. I'm freaking out a little bit because I wasn't planning on having another so soon after my daughter, who was 6 months on 1st October! I think I'll do another test in a couple of days time to be sure, if aunt flo hasn't visited by then of course.
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That looks exactly how my test was for my current 6 month old.

Same as @Jayde thats how mine was with my current 6 month old on the 17th of this month ❤️

Another one to say this is how my positive test looked like. I refused to believe it for a good few weeks 🥴 but here I am with my nearly 6 month old c

I'm sorry to say that usually any faintness of line means you're pregnant as it picks up hCG which is the pregnancy hormone, you have more of the hormone as the pregnancy progresses

Thanks girls. Although the general consensus is that it is positive, I think I'll still do another test in a few days just to be sure. I actually can't believe it 🤦🏼‍♀️

100% positive. Maybe do a digital one x

Congratulations! Xx


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