Vaginal delivery/C section

Those who had a vaginal delivery with twins, how did it go and what to expect? One of my doctors insists on me giving birth naturally even though the twins are breech and vertex now at 32 weeks. She says it’s much safer for them this way than C section. She then added “well you can give birth to the first twin vaginally, and for the second one, we might do a C section”. So why not just to deliver both of them via C section? On the contrary, I heard other doctors telling me that they prefer C section for any type of twins just to be safe. Weird. I didn’t get clear answers from her today, so want to know what your experience was like
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My doctors refused to consider letting me deliver vaginally. And refused to allow me to reach anywhere near 40 weeks. (I was made to deliver 36w5d)

Baby A needs to be head down, then they can reach in and grab B by their feet and pull them out.. I worked in OB and tbh it sounds like your doctor may not be very educated/confident with twins. I delivered vaginally and I pushed out both babies and both placentas in less than 30 minutes, and 15 of those minutes were just waiting for B to wiggle down to my cervix. After 21 nieces and nephews, working in OB, and delivering twins, I would never choose a c-section unless it was absolutely medically necessary, with your Baby As positioning right now it sounds like section would be the best option. If A moves head down I'd definitely try to feel out your OBs comfort and knowledge level on twin deliveries and then decide what you wanna do. Doctors that "prefer to deliver twins c-section" are just unexperienced and lowkey lazy.. that's a good sign to find a new doctor.

I felt my assigned doctor was very pushy toward the c-section option…. I didn’t feel comfortable with her for various reasons, but also wanted another opinion since I was nervous about a c-section and already had a vaginal birth experience, so I switched doctors. The new doctor was totally up for whatever my decision was, but was upfront about how the plan could always change. She said they would do an ultrasound the day I went in to have them (was scheduled for an induction at 38wks) to make sure both babies were head down. She said she was confident that as long as baby A was head down, she would be able to deliver baby B breech, but did recommend a c-section if they were both breech. Lucky for me, both babies were head down at my induction and delivery went smoothly. Baby B did flip back and forth until the very end tho!

I’d say if you don’t feel confident in your doctor don’t be afraid to switch. I was def over 32 weeks when I decided to switch doctors but it was the best decision I could have made.

@Kylee hi there, thank you so much for such a response 🙏🏻 it’s much more informative than what I heard today lol. Btw how’s the recovery after vaginal delivery usually going?

Also, when they say something like “it’s up to your preference” I get so confused because I have absolutely zero idea what’s good for babies and for me since I’m not a doctor

No problem!! It was so much smoother than an abdominal surgery recovery, even with tearing front and back because my sons head has always been in the 99th percentile and he was Baby A 😅 couple days of pain, then a couple days of discomfort just like "sore", then when my stitches started healing my cooter was tingly and itchy for a couple days, and then I was good by like a week or two postpartum!

I was intially scheduled to deliver at 38 weeks for didi twins. However both were growth restricted and I had preeclampsia so they induced me at 34 weeks. Both babies were head down (cephalic) and I had already had issues around 28 weeks going into preterm labor and was 3cm dilated the whole time. I opted for a vaginal delivery but did deliver in the OR as most twins are in case there is a need for a c section. The pain was manageable and I didn’t really want an epidural or think I needed one, they were only 4 pounds each, but they advised me to get one incase they needed to convert to c section and avoid being intubated and missing the birth, so I opted for it. I only pushed for about 20 minutes. I would say if you are uncomfortable definitely get a second opinion and you should be delivering at a facility with neonatology present as well so no delays in care happen.

@Kylee ohh that’s such a relief to hear this! Because I’ve heard so many scary stories about the recovery after vaginal delivery

I had my twins vaginal because i did not want to be cut open. That healing process is far more worst than vaginal. My fist baby was head down and the other was transverse. And you’re still early so it can change their position.

Oh yeah that's hard to decifer, honestly neither way is "better" its just whatever fits your personal situation. Of course vaginal is a much more natural and smooth recovery than an abdominal surgery but both are normal every day practices for OBGYNs, so it's up to your preference! If both babies are head down like me and you're like "duh of course vaginal", if A is head down but there's a chance B might need a section and you wanna try vaginal anyway, or if you decide you feel most comfortable just knowing ahead of time that you're going in for surgery and are able to mentally prepare for it and want a section, all up to your preference!

Thank you guys so much

If you can help it do not do a c section .. I have my twins vaginal at 35 weeks exactly I pushed them out 9 mins apart was in the or room all of 20 mins mind you this was my first pregnancy… what to expect tho In the or room … lots of ppl I had about 20-30 in mine each baby has their own team of doctors/ nurses. They had the epidural ppl there also to manage pain. For me I got the epidural literally after my second wave of contractions I had no choice to get it so why push it off and stress my body more .. things to consider it’ll work out how it’s suppose to tho 💕

@Ash heavy on that my babies 6 min apart 🥹 you go guys !!! 💕💕and vaginal is the way your body was made to do it !!

@Ash oh wow good to know thanks

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@Nyiaa 😍

I was induced at 37 weeks for preeclampsia. Had magnesium, induction wasn’t bad, got an epidural to keep the birth canal open so both could be delivered vaginally. I was told it closed quicker without an epidural. Dr said as long as A was head down, c section could be avoided. A flipped at 35 weeks and stayed there. A came out head down, B was originally transverse and supposed to go into the head down position. Did an ultrasound between births, and he went breech. To avoid C section, Dr and resident performed an ESV (manually flipped baby), and B was born head down. Minimal pain, both babies safe. 1 day NICU stay to get magnesium out of babies systems. 37 mins apart. Overall positive experience!

That’s my story, but every twin pregnancy is different!!!!! Just wanted to share mine so you could hear of a positive natural twin birth experience. Type of twins, how you are handling the pregnancy, growth of the babies, and their position are all factors that will play into what is most safe for you and your babies. It may take up until the day of to determine what is best, and many of these factors can change at the drop of a hat. It never hurts to seek a 2nd opinion if you are uncomfortable with what your OB is proposing. Whatever is safest for you and your babies is always the best plan, and my advice is not to be too tied to a birth plan. Everything will go as it should ❤️

@Dana thank you! They’re gonna see me every week now to monitor them but so far so good, the babies are healthy

Personally, I left my 36w appt with didi twins planned my induction (wanted to take babies at 38 weeks in CA) but got sent to triage for preeclampsia concerns (had been in and out of the hospital the last month of my pregnancy) and got presented with a c -section due to BP and twin B out growing twin A. My C-section while very unexpected and not in my plan went beautifully! I was walking within 26hrs, got discharged within 36hrs and never had any huge issues with recovery. Either way I delivered it would have been in OR due to preparedness for any potential complications. My best advice would be to keep pressing your OB for answers to your questions. It’s your experience and you deserve to have the proper education to make the best choices for you and your babies, but also do your best to mentally prepare for either option ❤️

@Zoe thank you! Appreciate sharing your story

Have a C section. There’s no need for you to go through all the pain and high risk of delivery a baby that’s breech vaginal and then having a C section anyway because of complications. I was in the same situation as you and I had a schedule C section at 37 weeks. Everything went well.

@Val oh wow.. thank you for advice!

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