I also broke up with the father of my child a year ago, he was extremely abusive in every way. I used to REALLY hate him for all the things he did to me. Eventually I was able to forgive him, I don't hate him anymore. I don't want anything to do with him I only talk to him about our daughter. I'm taking him to court soon. I still deal with some of the abusive behavior from hundreds of miles away. Forgiving someone who has caused so much trauma is never easy. When we broke up I was broken. I had a four month old baby and I was so depressed I cried every day and felt like I couldn't ever breathe. The pain felt crushing. People are right about it being easier on you to forgive. Eventually I think you should but I also know how hard it is. It will take you time. The only person you're really hurting by holding on is yourself but maybe you're not ready to let go and forgive him. Don't let people rush you in your healing. Take your time. Someday I'm sure you'll forgive him and you'll be able to move on without him.
I once heard someone say “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die”. Forgiveness heals you. It’s for you not for him. Also, Jesus is the only one that can truly help us to forgive. Praying for you 💕
I’m in a similar boat
I feel you on this. I hate my baby’s father and I don’t think I will EVER forgive him and the fun part of it is I DONT HAVE TO and neither do you!! I plan on focusing on myself and my baby (im still pregnant) and ofc im not gonna shit talk my baby’s father in front of them but you forgive when you’re ready to (if ever)!!
I think people forget that you can’t force yourself into forgiveness and if you do it’s usually only very surface level and not genuine ykwim?
As much as you don’t want to it’s easier to forgive especially on your heart. That way you can move on.