@Emily I think what’s worrying me about it is I had such a positive natural birth with my first I don’t want to be induced or a c section with him but I also don’t want to push out a 11lb baby 🤣😬
I’m sure you’ll be fine! I wouldn’t over think it. They’ll measure your bump and offer you a growth scan if they wanna check everything. But really it’s always your body, your choice, and though they can make recommendations for inductions or c-sections the final decision is always yours. And tbh women just carry differently, woman to woman, pregnancy to pregnancy, it’ll always differ on size! Our bodies are weird things 😊
It's highly unlikely you will have a second baby who is wildly different to your first! If you had a positive birth with your first then there is absolutely no reason second time you shouldn't have the same. Bigger babies come out quicker so there's a positive lol
The midwife will measure your bump at 28 weeks(ish)