I prefer gusto over hello fresh. I haven't tried any others.
I recently tried some factor meals and they were pretty good. They're microwave meals though so not much cooking involved but they have a lot of healthy diet options including keto when I checked the website. The food was actually pretty good and wasn't like a traditional microwave meal at all.
Hey, I use everyplate. It works really well for my family and they are easy to make. If you message me, I think i can send you a free box
We’ve done hello fresh a couple of times. Some of the recipes are dead easy and quick but some can take ages as there’s so much to add. They do deals as well. It costs us about £45 for a box of five meals for three people. Well worth it if you spend that on a couple of meals a week at the supermarket x
We use hello fresh and love it! Makes meal planning so much easier and they have tons of options.
@Kate @MK thank you, I went with them! At least I think I did… I’ve gotten all the way to the end and it says my delivery date is Monday and I put all my info in but it’s still allowing me to edit and it says I can edit until midnight so I’m confused if it actually went through or if it just officially goes through at midnight or something? I don’t have a charge either I checked. Wanna make sure I’m doing it right
@MK yeah you can edit it up to the day before they send it out if you want to add or change a meal. You can also skip weeks if there’s nothing in their weekly menu you fancy. I’d recommend the ojang beef noodles and tandoori chicken masala if they come on again when you order your next box. There’s a chicken stir fry one we had as well that’s really nice x
Pick one. Use all the discounts and then move on to the next one and repeat. By the time you've used them all the first company you went with will have sent you some further discounts to use if you return to them. Repeat. You can also have your husband register after youve used your discounts as hell have new welcome discounts. 😉
I use Everyplate but for 6, works for us. Even if you buy the 2-person pack you can either cook for 2 and eat the second portion the next day or split it and cook for 1 (even though you’re buying for 2, if that makes sense)
I love mighty meals, not sure if it's near you.