Potty training!

I’m pretty sure my 2 year old is starting to show signs of readiness so this mama is ready to dive into research! What are your tried and true methods? What books do you recommend? Note: we might be dealing with slight neurodivergence so if you have a method that worked for your kiddos on the spectrum that would be great!
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Eric, the bladder charity has a whole section on potty training and tips etc

Idk if anyone else will agree but don’t get those just get a step stool and kids toilet seat for the toilet those get so gross and it’s unnecessary sanitizing and everything when it’s going in the toilet either way and they’re gunna use the big toilet eventually 🤷‍♀️ every kid is different I just say trust yourself it’s all trial and error we haven’t gotten far just the setup my kids like to be alone to poop😂

I haven’t read any books on it. I personally try to have him go on the potty when I use the bathroom just so he can get used to it ( sometimes he goes sometimes he doesn’t) I see other moms on here have their children have no diaper on and have the their potty available so they can go or try. Other moms take their kids every couple of minutes. I guess it just depends on what’s best for your baby. Try all the methods you come across and see what works best

My boy is is doing this for us we’re happy he’s getting used to it

This is what has worked for us. I also believe my daughter is neorodivergent because I am so hopefully this will help you too. We got a little potty that later can be a step stool. We also have a step stool for the bathroom. I started by teaching her how to wash her hands and then how to pull do her pants. We sing songs for everything cause that seems to be how she learns best. We also read several books and watched potty videos. Everytime I go to the bathroom I tell her that my body tells me I have to go pee pee/poo poo (I also place my hand on the front or back) then I tell her it's time for me to sit on the toilet. I narrate everything. I find repartition helps. If she wants a turn I let her sit with pants on at first. I also started giving her jobs. They love to take over what you're doing. First I asked her to help me put the lid down and then we moved to that and flushing. After a couple weeks of this we told her it was time to ditch the diapers and use her little potty.

After she would go we would high five and then put the pee/poop in the toilet and say bye bye to it as she flushed. I didn't try to make her go on a schedule. We did go without bottoms for 3 days and then we switched to underwear. I watched her pee and poop cues and went by that. So when she has to pee she will grab her crotch/poop she starts getting emotional and kinda bends forward. When she would have an accident we would slide her potty over and try to catch what we could. No shaming or freaking out. Also don't say it's okay cause it's not the message you're wanting to get across. I just state simply: accidents happen. Pee pee/poo poo is on the floor... that's not where that goes...it goes in the potty. We'll get it in the potty next time. I bought her two packs of underwear with her favorite characters on it and everyday I let her choose the one she wants to wear and tell her to try to keep the character dry today.

When I see that she needs to go I say: I see that your body is telling you to go and then I ask if she wants to use the little potty or sit on the big potty. This helps her feel apart of the process and us to not have tantrums about going. She now will go on her little potty by herself and I rarely need to remind her. She still doesn't tell me as this is a separate developmental thing to learn so I still keep an eye on it and still tell her Everytime I have to go. For nap time and night time we use pull ups. This is also a bladder-brain development so it takes time. In total it took us 3 days to get the routine down and about 3 more days to get it down with underwear. We did have some accidents for about a month. We now do short outings in just underwear without any issues. I do have a small foldable travel potty that I take in case we need to go in public. Sorry so long 😅 I did so much reading and tried several things that just didn't work so I hope this helps you out.

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