You’re doing the right thing by consulting the NHS. I’m cystitis prone when not pregnant and control it with D-mannose, sodium citrate sachets and hygiene. Whilst pregnant, I couldn’t shift an infection which got progressively worse and had to go on cefalexin - immune system is weakened when pregnant so your body might not do as well clearing it. A few years ago I had an infection that worked its way up to my kidneys and it was…EXCRUCIATING. You’re already clued up that if this happens during pregnancy, it’s dangerous. The most pain I’ve ever felt. The bacteria can lie dormant even in your bladder and be reactivated at times of stress/illness and there aren’t symptoms - I think I have this. I’ve downloaded an app that reminds me to drink water, which might better help in the future as quite often, it’s when I’m not drinking enough that it happens. Hope they get you sorted. X
There’s no evidence that the antibiotics used for UTIs affect your baby. An infection however could. I had multiple UTIs in my last pregnancy, none in this one. Sometimes it burned when I peed but actually I just had a feeling of feeling rough with one of them, the antibiotics cleared it up and I felt much better.
Thanks for the replies. I have a penicillin allergy, so the non-penicillin based antibiotics I can take are all "not ideal" during pregnancy - i.e. they can be taken if necessary (if the benefits outweigh the costs) but they all have some undesirable effects as far as I understand. Anyway it sounds like it's better to take antibiotics just to be safe, but I really hope this infection doesn't keep coming back every few weeks until January 😭
Try cranberry juice