I am planning to stop when my LO turns one mainly for more freedom for me! It’s been a graft EBF-ing so I’m so ready to have my body back to myself. I am at a point where I actually love breastfeeding him and I know I’m going to find it emotionally difficult to stop but I know it’s best for me 😁 I also don’t think anyone should feel pressure to stop if they don’t want to because there are so many health benefits for you and baby if you continue beyond the year! And WHO recommends continuing until at least 2 years old now so that can be a huge incentive for so many women to continue breastfeeding.
I think I’ll continue for another 6 months. Although it’s the opposite to what a lot of people say, I don’t want to stop BF the same time as starting back at work as after 7/8 hour+ days away from my baby I’m hoping BF will be a nice way for us to reconnect (but not saying that’s the only way for mums that choose to stop at 12 months) xx
I feel really bloody proud. I want to make it to 12 months, with any more being a bonus. I dont really want to go past 18 months, he's such a wriggle and contortionist he tries to feed in some ridiculous positions already. But im going to let him lead with weaning before then, and after 18 months if he hasn't, then I'll lead through the day and night he can lead still. He still feeds 3 hours day or night. So I imagine it'll be a long process. Used to co sleep as he'd only sleep on the boob. He now takes a dummy if you do the swap right and recently I've even been able to then transfer him to his own room, all be it he always ends up back with us for half the night as I'm too tired to take him back 🤣 went back to work recently and I kitterally pick him up from the childminder and he wants to go to bed, so its been nice to have that quiet time still with feeding. I domt want those before bed feeds to stop any time soon.
@Zoe can I ask how you introduced the dummy as I currently have a baby who has gone back to needing to have boob in her mouth all night to sleep which she hasn’t done for about 6 months
@Parris perseverance of offering it, I chose one that was similar shape to my nipple when feeding ( although now he takes any shape I've moved to an orthodontic mam shaped one) I'd have to warm it up before swapping it over when he was asleep, and make sure it was wet like he'd been feeding, either with a little milk from the other side or just give it a good suck to warm and wet it. Then just little finger release my nipple and very quickly replace it with the dummy. A couple days of him spitting it out constantly and starting the process again, he would then stay asleep with it, spit it out himself in the night but stay asleep, or actively takes it now if he wants cuddling to sleep and not boob.
I go back to work when he’s 1 and I will continue to breastfeed in the morning and evening as long as he wants to up to two years, during the day he will continue to have his solid food/snacks and then I’ll introduce cows milk if he wants milk. So I won’t be stopping but I’ll be cutting down. He takes a dummy and sleeps through the night so I don’t plan to breastfeed at night either, will just offer water. Just remember how long you BF is your decision and the WHO recommend breastfeeding up to 2 years. Don’t listen to others opinions X
I’m so proud of us and our journey. My plan is to carry on till he self weans and at least till he is 2. We will have to adjust as I’m going back to work, to will be morning and evening only. I’ve had comments from family since he was around 4 months about stopping and my go to comment now when anyone questions the fact I’m still breastfeeding is “I’ll probably give him his last feed before he walks down the aisle” and it quickly shuts people up 😂 You’ve done amazing and it’s up to you when/how you stop and nobody else x
I’m planning to BF for as long as both ME and BABY want to. It’s not really anyone else’s business. I ignored pressure with my first and we both happily breast fed until she was 3.5 years old. The WHO recommends BF until at least 2 years old, there are so many benefits to continuing past 12 months. Mine wouldn’t accept a bottle or dummy and she just adapted. We sent milk in a sippy cup but only a couple of oz as I couldn’t express much and my freezer supply ran out quickly. Like others have mentioned it’s a beautiful way to reconnect after a long day at nursery - it’s also great for their immune system as they’ll come into contact with so many bugs/viruses! My eldest still has never had antibiotics and her immune system is so strong in comparison to her peers at 5yo. It’s also worth bearing in mind that being separated from you will be a big change for them so keeping their biggest source of comfort can really help with this transition.
Planning to stop at one. She can have cows milk and I can have a drink 🤪
@Hollie it’s safe to breastfeed and drink alcohol. You’d be dead from alcohol poisoning before the alcohol content of your breastmilk would be anywhere near dangerous for a baby.
@Hollie feel you girl hahah
Hoping to continue as long as it’s still working for us both! Not planning to stop at any particular age / stage as I imagine it will naturally wind down when the time is right anyhow. I think bf is a superpower that I don’t want to give up yet! A mum friend who formula feeds recently pointed out to me how it’s such an effective tool for fixing so many things - tiredness, hunger, a fright, pain / discomfort… I’d like to hang onto this tool as long as it works for us both. I’ve been lucky that I haven’t had judgy questions or remarks from anyone yet, but if / when I do I hope I have the confidence to tell whoever to mind their own boobies 🙃 Practically speaking - when I head back to work I’ll express for day feeds on days when I can’t wfh, otherwise hopefully business as usual with in person feeding outside of work hours
You're all doing amazingly 🥰 you should be so proud 💛 It's been a hard journey to start with but it got easier for me at 3 months. Still ebf and so grateful I've been able to. I love it and although its hard at night I will miss it so much. I'm just going to follow her lead and see what happens 💛
We plan to breastfeed as long as it still works for both of us. I know HV etc say to give them cows milk at 1 but if I am BF I don’t see the point of giving a different animal’s breastmilk as my milk is tailored to her needs! We will do cows milk maybe when we feel ready! I am pregnant so I’m not sure if she will go off it when it turns back to colostrum! She is such a milk monster so don’t see it happening 😅 I think you know what works for your family, there is more pressure to stop if thats not what you want! Check out happycosleeper and thebreastfeedingmentor on instagram. Both talk about feeding beyond 1!
My plan is too stop when she’s one as I haven’t left her yet and that’s mainly due to my worries of her needing me. Worried about how long this process is going to take tho as she still feeds every 2 hours and I don’t know how she’ll take dropping feeds. She’s never had a dummy or bottle and it’s really taking its toll. Recently she will no longer sleep in her cot she is now sleeping with me with my boob all night as soon as it falls out she’s awake. Thinking of introducing a dummy as it’s hard work.