Incessant thought and stress
My Bub, Ibaad, is 4.5 months old. I have a 3.5 year old who rolled when he was exactly 4 months. I kept stressing out inside as the days progressed after Ibaad was 4 months old about why he is now rolling yet. I know all babies are different but I am not just bejng able share this thought off. 5 days back Ibaad rolled from tummy to back few times and this brought me so much relief but it was only that day and he has not rolled since. This is stressing me about so much. Why did he stopped rolling? What does it mean? He is going to be 5 months in two weeks and if he does not roll before that is he facing developmental delay. I keep telling myself that everything is going to be okay but I am just too anxious all the time. During his tummy time I keep wanting him to roll and he doesn’t. Has any one had this? Does anyone know why he might have stopped?
Totally normal for bubs to take 6 months to roll! Especially if they’re bigger babies. My first rolled at 6 months (only a little bit really) then crawled at ten months walked at a year. My second baby is nearly five months old and seems to be going down the same path. If there is nothing else that is worrying you about their behaviour then I’m sure Ibaad is just taking a bit longer! Xxx