Worried at 19 weeks

I’m 19 weeks and have partial placenta praevia. I’ve been in and out of hospital 4 times now with light bleeding (only on wiping) and am scheduled to see a consultant tomorrow as I’m high risk. I’m also getting mild abdominal pain with the bleeding. Did anybody else experience this? Should I be going to hospital even if I have light spotting?
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Hi lizzie hope your ok, did you get a answer to spotting as I feel like I wrote this my self x

@Emily the spotting has tailed off now and I’ll see some brown blood most days but as it’s old, it’s far less worrying. Any pain has also subsided and I’m feeling much better. I’ve had 2 scans and the baby is absolutely fine. How are you?

@Lizzie mine is the same on week 2 with no bleed preying that was the last of it! Thank you for your reply I’m so glad you and baby are fine, DM for a chat if you want x

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