@Naomi thanks, definitely a guessing game. We have got into a habit the past two days of making huge bottles and he’s just been taking them but I don’t think he needs it all so was going to offer the 4oz again from today and he’s drained it hence my post. I’ll try just over 4oz and see how he goes. To keep a bit in the fridge, do you generally pump more then he needs to do that?
@Rebecca yeh I was always told you can’t overfeed them and they’ll stop when they’re full with pumped milk but it’s still horrible to waste it! And I’ve always been rubbish at pumping at the correct times to match when she feeds so I try and keep a bottle ahead of her which lives in the fridge. I am also a bit lucky in that my left boob generally always manages 4oz a pump and then the right is just the bonus extra
@Naomi I’m less worried about wasting it and more worried that he seems to drain whatever he’s given so I’ll never be able to keep up with how much he needs 🙈 I’ve been doing a day ahead so I think if I can build supply enough I may be ok
@Louise that's for formula and not breast milk
My babies 6 months and she had 5oz. Every 3 to 4 hours. A breast fed baby shouldn't need more the 4 ish oz because the callories in it do increase along with the fact it is more fatty. Have you checked they don't have wind? Babies easily mistake wind for hunger. Also make sure you pace feed
I offer just over 4oz in most bottles but in a growth spurt she’ll drink more than that so I either keep a few small bottles 2-3oz in the fridge or split one of the bigger bottles so not to waste it. She’s 13 weeks now. I think it’s just a bit of a guessing game though 🤷🏻♀️