Im hoping to tell my manager today (im 7 weeks), purely because the morning sickness is becoming unbearable and obviously will need time off for appointments, id have told them earlier if I could have x
Yeah I told my work the day after I found out. It was easier for me as didn’t have to explain taking longer breaks cos of nausea or going home early and booking apps. My manager hasn’t recorded it officially yet though until I’m ready to tell as of course it’s early days but will probably depend on your work x
@Millie thank you! My boss is great, we've worked together for almost 10 years and he's a big family man. I think I might tell him but ask him not to make it official with HR until we've had our scans.
I’ve told my manager and HR so I could have time off for scans.. a few close friends know at work but they’ve agreed to keep it quiet until I’m ready
I told my manager at 5 weeks just before I had my 6 week scan just for similar reasons, I had my first scan on the NHS at 6+1 due to previous ectopic this year and they confirmed baby is in the right place (and could see the heart beat) so I won’t be offered any more scans aside from the 12 week scan but I’ve booked privately at 7+5 x
I haven't told them yet this time but with my last I told them when I was about 6/7 weeks x
I’m a postie so very physically demanding job so I told my manager pretty much as soon as we found out. She’s been freaking amazing. And has already done her risk assessment meeeting. And continues to check in with me to see if there’s any further help or support in need x
I’ve told my manager because I work in a warehouse environment and I wanted to make sure I could be safe. X
Hi! Congratulations! I’m around 7 weeks haven’t told work yet as he’s probably fire me 😂 so I’m holding out for as long as I can but it’s a struggle with this sickness ! If you feel you can tell them and they would be nice about it, I would definitely tell them x