@Ju there isn't max limit on my cycles. Which I'm so happy about. My provider thinks IUI will do the trick. My copay for IUI is 100.00 and IVF is 1500. Wish me luck and Congratualtions!! What was your AMH if you don't mind me asking? ☺️
What state are you in and what’s the insurance?
@ashley I'm in Texas and it's UHC
I am also going down the IVF route now after three failed IUIs and will be covered by insurance for up to 6 rounds of IVF. So privileged to be in this position- I only wish more countries had these types of insurance policies.
@Deborah good luck I will be doing IUI this next cycle
You got this mama! I was in your shoes, 35, endometriosis. 4 egg freezing, 4 failed IUI then 1 IVF and I’m pregnant at last!! My two cents if I could go back in time I’d go to IVF sooner vs IUI. Also if your benefits are limited like 1 or 2 cycles: dont spend them on IUI… for me 4 IUIs cost ~$5k while an IVF round can be $20k+++ so save the benefits for the expensive one!