I had the same as above. And I did the mini pill and pills that had low estrogen all were great
I’m on the depo and only just started however I feel like it’s a long time to wait until the next injection xx
My OB suggested the ring. I'm not sure how it works. I hated the pill before pregnancy, so I was on the patch. Ended up getting pregnant with that one.
Nothing… I was on the pill for a month. And now I’m on nothing. When we do things, I never let him finish in me or close to my vag.
We’ve pulled out for 17 months til we wanted try for another baby, then it’ll be ✂️ 🍆
I’m on nexplanon
I love it
I just used condoms up until my partner got snipped after 2nd baby. But before babies i highly recommend the Mirena coil
I used the Mirena coil for three years after my v section, and it worked very well on me. There were no side effects; I hadn’t thought about contraception for that long. I loved it. The placement was uncomfortable and painful but manageable and totally worth it.