My toddler has only just started letting me clip his fingernails, so I'm not going to push my luck 😄
I give my son a snack, if that doesn't keep him still then I give him a screen until I'm done then celebrate being done just like you would celebrate using the potty
I cut my daughters in the high chair with the tray on so she can’t kick too much. I give her a snack and put something on tv to distract her. Sometimes my husband has to hold her foot still as she wiggles it about so much! It’s not easy though is it 😆😆
We play ‘nail shop’ and I pretend he’s a customer haha
I love the electric file granted my son is only 5 months but I clipped him once and now I’m so scared the file doesn’t burn him which is nice and I feel like it goes fairly quickly
I try to do it when he’s fairly sleepy or distracted and honestly sometimes it takes me a few days just to cut the nails on one hand. If I get one nail I’m happy and then just stop before he gets wind of what I’m up to. Then I’ll sneak in a few hours later and quickly snip another, it’s a slow process but works for us 😂
We do it by sitting my daughter on my lap, mr tumble playing on my phone (only screen time she gets) and I hold a book under the phone so she can’t see her feet, then my husband cuts them. We also prep her in the few days leading up to when we cut, letting her know what we’re going to do and that it will be over super quick. It still took a few goes before we got to this point and sometimes still can’t get all of them before she won’t let us do anymore.
I do it when he’s asleep! It’s the only time of day that he’s still enough and there’s no way he’d let me do it otherwise lol. Literally takes 5 mins for both finger nails and toe nails so super easy and no fuss
I turn the TV on and have him on my lap. He doesn't get much screen time at any other times so it is a huge novelty
My son was exactly like this, took two of us to hold him still… I’d always initially ask or say to him that I was going to do ‘little snips’ and that he could watch and he’d just go mental… then can’t remember how old he was exactly, sometime between 2yrs and 2.5yrs he just started being absolutely fine with it… would watch or he’d just be wiggling around from being distracted but was still doable… he’d let me do like 4-5 at a time then get fussy so would just need to do it over a couple of days. Just keep explaining what you’re going to do, try to get them involved so it’s fun and explain why you have to do it as simply as possible 👍 hopefully it’ll work out the same as with ours. In the meantime, you could try getting one of those little thumb files just to smooth them down a little if they’d tolerate that maybe? 🤔
Only way I can get the done is when he's in the high chair. I hide under the dining table 😂 and have Ms Rachel on to distract him and I use an electric nail file
My husband holds him while he watches random dinasours on YouTube and I use one of those electric file things. I won't even attempt it on my own anymore. It's almost like a panic attack for him sometimes and the force his kicks can have are ridiculous! No idea why it's such a big thing for him but hoping it passes 🙈
When she sleeps👌
Omg I just managed it! Doing it at the start of nap time rather than the end. 😂
I know this is easier said than done, but I try to make it fun-ish for mine. Pinning him down to do it would just instil panic, and frankly I would thrash to if someone tried that on me 😂 Even if you just get a couple of nails clipped at a time (clippers do work well - just don’t cut them so short that you cut them) you can come back to them. Hopefully taking a less intense approach will help. I’m not trying to diminish your efforts. Trust me, I know what it’s like to cut a toddler’s nails too 😅