my baby is very vocal too but isn’t saying da ma just sometimes ba ba..but like yours he is very close to walking so i do believe they pick what they’re interested in more
These would be on the checklist at 1 year so he has lots of time!
@CeeCee checklist? Xx
@Zoe the things your hv will check for!
@CeeCee ive had nothing from my HV since about 4 weeks old! Can you share the list?
@Zoe thats awful! In NI we have 6-8 weeks, 14-16 weeks, 6-9 months and then 12 months. There should be some milestone info in your red book and they use the asq3 assessment so if you google 12 months you can see it! Ps its not that baby should be doing all of those its just a guide to see how they are doing and uf you need any support
My boy just randomly started doing it at about 10.5 months. I was worried too as we had his 9-12 month review when he'd just turned 9 months old and he didn't 'meet the criteria. All that worrying for nothing. He was making lots of noise just not the right noises. Now he does. It'll come 🤍 x
Every baby is so different, some are more physical and less vocal and vice versa. My baby is babbling but still isn’t crawling x