There's no way of knowing. My little one arrived at 35+1 weeks and spent 2 weeks in the NICU as he needed help with his breathing. Doesn't mean all babies are the same though..
If you’re having a section anyways why is baby coming out so early. Size would only be a factor for natural birth. Size doesn’t affect sections. I’d be questioning that
@Bex I believe the reasoning is that they're worried about late term still birth. Especially as my Blood Sugars had not been stable (they weren't able to get me a pump until recently which has now improved that) and the baby is already measuring over 7lbs/3.2kg at my 32 week scan so they're also worried she'll "outgrow" what the placenta can give if we wait too long.
@Charley I appreciate the responses here. Clearly having a first time parent panic moment over all of this. All I can do is be hopeful that she copes well. And if she doesn't, well I'll be in the right place for help
My daughter was born naturally at 35w5. She wasn’t tiny and would have been completely fine, however as her blood sugar was low (common with diabetic mums) they advised if they have three low readings in a row they have to put the babies on a glucose drip which would have to be done in NICU. She stayed there for a couple of days, but I could be with her the whole time and if I’m honest the experience in NICU was so much nicer than the normal ward I was on so it actually made my experience so much nicer!
Some 35 weekers are fine and don't need additional support. Some 40 weekers have problems and need additional support. There's no way of knowing for certain, it's likely she may need a bit of extra help as it's not just weight its how developmentally ready they are. This could just be some oxygen for a few minutes at birth rather than a transfer to NICU. Try not to worry about it too much and trust that they'll look after you both and only separate you if absolutely needed