@Becky we are trying for baby no.2 since February this year. I’m not 100% sure if I am xx
@Becky this sort of happens every so often with me. I went to the drs before and they said ‘sounds like your depressed go to this website blah blah ‘ so had no actual help xx
Aww, could that maybe be the reason why you're feeling sad? Because you haven't conceived yet? I really hope it happens foe you soon. But also you maybe feeling emotional because you're pregnant and your hormones are abit all over. Take a test and I wish you all the best. X
@Becky no I don’t think that’s the reason tbh. We have had a rough couple of weeks with our son with his behaviour and that has made me feel really low. So Idk if that’s the cause. But normally I wouldn’t get really upset over his behaviour if that makes sense ? But I have cried about it a couple of times in the last week. So I’m wondering if I am xx and thank you I really appreciate it xx
You aren't pregnant, are you? Or has this been happening for a while? If so, then sorry I have no advice. Maybe Isee your doctor l. X