Milk first always as this is the main source of her nutrition. Then solids. At about 9/10 months start solids first then milk to start the transition ready for food to become the main source of nutrition z
Milk first and then offer food around an hour after, milk is the main source of food until 1. Baby will naturally drop a feed when they are ready too.
So then how long after food do you give milk when she must surely have a full tummy? I feel like she’s all over the shop anyway with her feed times so I am now even more confused 😂
I have been giving my baby finger food, so she's not been eating a great lot of it so her bottles are still all at the same time, as time goes on and she gets the gist of swallowing food instead of just licking it then I'm sure she will want to go longer between feeds and eventually drop one. If your baby is still drinking what she used to just offer it as normal and she will decide when she's ready to have less milk
My girl drinks every 3hrs. I’ll offer a small finger food trial after a bottle roughly an hour after. No set time - just when convenient.
Milk remains #1 til 1 I believe - so same amount of Mil/Oz