4 month sleep regression tips
I believe we have hit the 4 month sleep regression with our little lady and I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice/ tips based on experience. She's reduced her naps to 30 mins, which is fine, but it takes an hour or two to get her to give in and nap 😂 🤦
But at night time it seems to take her so long to get to sleep. We start trying around 19:00/20:00 but she often won't fall asleep until 22:00+
Can I just 'leave her to it'? As in, if she seems awake then let her have some calm and read her stories etc or even just letting her lay in her crib in the dark but awake (with me in the room of course) or should I be actively encouraging her to go to sleep?
We try our best to stick to a routine but unfortunately we have recently moved and are renovating so we are having to go to parents for dinners etc which impacts routine and timing... especially since one of them seem to understand that sticking to a routine is recommended and supposed to help but they all just say she will be fine and don't understand when I say I want to be home before 21:00 to try get her to sleep 🤦
Also, when she is waking in the night, I haven't been feeding her ... Should I be? She does end up settling without it and sometimes I end up putting her in bed with me.
Sorry for the ramble, feeling like a fish on land- FTM and absolutely no idea what I'm doing.
Edit- I've done some reading and only just realized that a growth spurt happens at this time too. She has seemed like a bit of a gannit lately so that explains that, but would you still feed in the night then? 🤔
Hi I’m going through the same atm, I do feed in the night and sometimes it helps her to go to sleep… other times not so much