Waters broke - update!

Wanted to update everyone after my post about waters breaking on Wednesday morning 🥰 baby is finally here and is healthy! Me not so much, bit of a rigmarole trying to deliver my baby boy ending up in an unexpected emergency c section due to him being stubborn! 😂 timeline in comments x Theodore (Teddy) James, 17th Oct 2024 6lb9oz ❤️
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16th oct 8am - waters broke at home 38+2 and continued leaking throughout the day 1pm - was getting mild period cramps every 4 mins and friends and family around me panicked and made me go into hospital even though triage didn't want to see me till 8pm. So myself and partner just loitered and went for walks to try and get stuff going at hospital because as I expected my progress stopped after I left home! 7pm - assessed by triage, baby very comfortable and they were happy for me to continue walking around the hospital to get stuff moving. Had Paracetamol and codeine as contractions becoming painful. Declined cervix assessment as knew I wasn't very far along. From here the timings get hazy 😂

1am - went back for stronger pain relief, contractions now every 4 mins and examined to be 2cm dilated. Wasn't coping with pain so they gave me a room in antenatal and a pethidine injection with anti sickness. Immediately threw up twice 😂 3am(?) The contractions were strong and regular so examined again and 3cm but cervix very thin. I was very vocal through these contractions (couldn't help it!) So they allowed me onto the delivery suite so I could get my epidural and have a rest. Originally wanted to labour in the birth centre but as soon as i felt those real contractions knew i wouldn't have coped long anyway, so that plan went out the window 😂 Once on the delivery ward I was given gas & air to make it through until epidural kicked in. Got some broken sleep as epidural failed specifically around my right pelvic bone and was still giving me some grief but the rest was fine and I was managing the pain with gas.

8am(?) They examined me again and was 8cm but epidural had made my legs too heavy for any delivery position except on my back. Was ready to push at 11am and baby's head was very low down so we started manual pushing. I tried very very hard to push him out for 90 mins (no concept of time myself) but didn't have urges to push and couldn't feel any progress despite pushing correctly. Examined by doctor and they realised baby was rotated weirdly against my pelvic bone (coincidently the side the epidural wasn't working very well on) so we decided to try rotation and forceps in theatre as I was exhausted. Baby was quite happy just chilling where he was. 12.30pm ish I went to theatre, we decided to just replace the epidural with a full spinal block to save the risk of the epidural not being placed correctly and so that I was ready for emergency c section if the forceps failed. Threw up again once the spinal block went in 😂

They managed to rotate him correctly but as soon as he was in the right position he slithered back up the birth canal and they could no longer reach him with the forceps. Tried to get me to push to see if I could get him down but for all I know I was just tensing my shoulders as I had the spinal block and couldn't feel anything. They decided to switch to emergency c section and baby finally came out crying at about 1.30pm, so roughly 30 hours after my waters broke. Perfectly healthy, just a stubborn little bugger 😂 He's very strong and when they placed him on my chest afterwards for skin to skin he immediately found my nipple all by himself and "fed" for over half an hour. No idea if he was actually getting anything but he seemed content and midwives were happy with the latch, so fingers crossed breastfeeding will be OK for us 💕 Overall not quite the birth I envisaged but this is why I stayed open minded, you never know what can happen! My delivery team were wonderful, I gave birth at Worcester Royal x

Well done you!! I had a similar situation - wanted a vaginal birth, had my waters broken and was doing ok. Asked for epidural which failed but by the time the anaesthetician was out of theatre, he didn’t have time to resite the epidural before I would have been ready to push and I was not coping with the pain! Was given oramorph but that made me sick (actually said to my husband ‘that felt like something out of the exorcist’ 😂) Ended up having a spinal block and emergency c-section as baby had got himself into an awkward position. Be gentle with yourself xx

Congratulations 🎊. Great news that baby is here in perfect health and you are getting better as well x

Congratulations 🎉

🥰❤️he is beautiful congratulations 🥳 and

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