Get in touch with them because likely you need to make a national insurance contribution to take you to the full amount. It will have flagged that you haven’t worked/earnt enough in the last however many number of weeks to qualify for the full amount. My friend literally had to pay £40 to get the full amount for the year!
It just doesn’t make sense, the only reason i’m claiming mat allowance is because I started a new job before the 26 week mark but i’ve worked throughout!
Ok it might just be how it’s worded and it’s starting at the end of the week hence only £26 and then it will be £184 a week after that
Yeah this makes sense and it’s correct. It says your weekly payments are £184 so therefore £184 every week
Thanks so much guys xx
I’ve been waiting to speak to them on the phone this whole time and not got through yet😂xx
Just got through to them, and she did clarify that it is PER WEEK just paid every 4 weekly which works out approx £736 for anyone that’s worried xx
Following as in the same boat xxx