Advice please! How to deal with a 9 year old girl who won't get dressed for school

Hey Guys! .. So my 9 year old daughter has ADHD and being accessed for Autism. Every morning she screams that she doesn't want to get dressed for school and spends nearly and hour just to put one sock on. Luckly, we never late for school. Everyday is getting harder and harder for me to deal with her. Im 37, im also a carer for my husband and i have 2 other children. Any advice for me be will be appreciated and grateful đź’ś
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I know that challenge, all too well. I started giving choices. Not sure if that will help, but asked if she would like to get dressed first or brush her teeth, or eat first or get dressed. I've found that helps allot.

@Debra thank u! I will give that a try

I am a bit worried because my 5 year old does the same thing. So standing in solidarity. As a kid I’d do similar but not screaming, jest daydreaming and being distracted. My dad had to dress me a few times while crying and screaming because I wanted to dress myself, but we’d be late if I wasn’t dressed at that point. I have to get loose pajama style pants or dance leggings and dance shorts (which would be a dress code violation starting in middle school.

@Samantha my daughter has went to school in her pjs before and got changed at school but all the mums stare at me and makes my anxiety go up

I’ve heard of kids taking a bath and putting on comfy clothes for the next day before they go to bed so they wake up ready to go… obviously not a long-term solution, but could help ease the stress

@Amadea thank u! I will give that a try aswell

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