Does anyone else’s partner call their baby names?

So my wife often calls our baby names when she’s doing something she doesn’t like, examples - pulling her hair, grumbling at her, grabbing her face. She used to call her a little bitch and I’d always say stop, that’s really awful. There are various things she now calls her and I keep saying stop with the unkind names, she’s a baby and doesn’t know what she’s doing. We all have nicknames for babies and this kid has plenty but my wife seems to think the more adult ones are okay to use on a small child but I think it sounds horrible. Does anyone else have similar issues?
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I do not personally have the same problem but my sister in law has called her 1 year old daughter a bitch before and it completely took me by surprise. It makes me feel so sad because these are helpless and innocent babies that are relying on us to take care of them, they don’t deserve to be called such awful names. I’m sorry it’s happening to your own baby :( You don’t have to take my advice but if I were in your shoes I would be very firm and strict when telling your wife that such aggressive names are an absolute no

I am very sorry you and your daughter have to get treated with such disrespect 😔 I don't call my kids any name other than theirs or nickname. My mom called me names when I was younger and it hurt, I definitely can't do the same to mine. I pray it gets better for her🫶🏾

Oh my, I wouldn’t be happy with that and there’s me calling my son a little sausage or my little pudding which as I was reading this, I thought that’s where this post was going until I read it in full

No never I do call my baby a grizzly bear when she’s crying or moody Margaret if she’s having a bad day 🤣 tell her it bothers you and you’d like to use different names xx

I call mine a grumpy pants but that’s as far as it goes. Maybe she might be struggling a bit to the adjustment of having a baby? Definitely have a chat with her about it all x

This is red flags. Are you in the UK? If so you have likely heard of the little girl Star Hobson. I think this is how it started out. X

It’s definitely unacceptable. It’s definitely worth a sit-down conversation when little one is asleep to find out where it’s coming from and what support is needed to make it stop.

So I spoke to her this morning and she said she doesn’t say them in a malicious way but has acknowledged it does need to stop, even if she thinks it’s a joke as it isn’t okay. She said she doesn’t really think those things and doesn’t mean to cause any hurt or harm. I said we just need to be mindful of how we speak to her and around her and that if we don’t break the habit now, it just becomes harder.

Maybe she thinks it’s funny, but needs to respect that you don’t think it’s funny. Babies also understand more than we think.

It's a no from me. My baby isn't even born yet but I told someone off for saying she will be a naughty baby because how can a baby be naughty.

@Sophie every time she says a name, I do correct/ mention it every single time. Then this morning when she did it as baby woke up, I again said and she did then say I know I need to stop and get out the habit

@Rebecca yeah, she said exactly this, it’s not to be mean.

@Jessica yeah I’ve had to have that conversation of that baby isn’t being manipulative or naughty as she doesn’t have the cognitive ability to do so. She is simply exploring her body, her voice and surroundings etc.

@Chelsea we are in the UK. Oh yes. See she says she’s not doing it to be mean but equally she grew up with a mother who called her names and still does in heated arguments and so I’ve said she needs to nip it in the bud now before it becomes habit.

@Kirsten those types of things are what I do. Very light hearted things. Nothing more. I know she has and is still learning but I am very on her with things that I know can later cause issues for baby as I do not want that.

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@Kristie💖 those things are just innocent little names and I do the same. It was just the other stuff that throws me and I call her out every time I hear it and tell her to watch the names and pick something different x

@Joanna sadly not. I think some comes from her mum doing the same to her but I’m hoping the more I call it out and keep telling her the more she’ll then begin to stop!

@Kianna I call her out every time she does it and she’ll then change the name but it’s just constant and I’m like you need to break the habit now. I also try make her see how it affected her growing up to hear such names from her mum.

@Myeisha she had the same and still does from her own mum and I think she knows deep down it’s not okay but is trying to break the habit and understand baby isn’t being such things and is simply a baby

Personally my husband and I call our son a little asshole or a little shit sometimes but it's not malicious and is said as a joke. Like he'll pull my hair and I'll poke him in the tummy and be like "hey! Why are you being a little asshole? Huh? Who do you think you are? You jerk. Quit being mean to mommy" Our son will laugh and we move on. For us it isn't a problem. That being said, if you are uncomfortable with how your partner is talking to the baby then they should stop. It doesn't matter how they mean it.

That sounds like signs of future much worse abuse… like a big red flag. But I don’t know the tone, her personality etc. sounds scary and very sad when I read it though… make sure you protect your daughter with fierceness against ANYONE who could harm her in anyway

I didn't even like when my ex would call my DOG the B word. I can't imagine someone calling my child that.

Huge red flag.

@Kimarys that’s sort of how she says it too but from how her mum spoke to her growing up I don’t want her to do that in heated situations or as she gets older. Our daughter laughs too as she just sees it as something silly but then in some instances it’s less in a silly tone and more because she’s really grabbed her etc and she’s saying it

@Katie typically her whole family are that way but equally growing up she was called names by her mum. She does say it in a none aggressive tone but then sometimes it isn’t so. I shut it down every single time but I wanted to check if I was just being overly sensitive because she’s my little one!

@Jennifer oh say, with our fur babies. Hence why I shut down when it happens to the human child. I just don’t want the habit to stick and as she gets older it continue and she then thinks it’s an okay nickname

Nah I'd be fuming if my other half said that. It's disrespectful and she wouldn't like to be called it. Name calling isn't a great thing anyway, imagine them getting older and calling other kids that

What and how we address people is powerful, joking or not. Proud of you for addressing it!!! It’s not always easy speaking up👏👏👏

You are absolutely not being overly sensitive!! Even if it goes back generations for her, this should be where it stops. Bring her to a therapy session if she does not understand how serious this and you are!

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