My LO wants to bite her cousin(5m) all the time so one of us is sitting there watching them like a hawk 😬 honestly there really isn't much "disciplining" you can do at this stage imo
Discipline her? She's a baby herself, it's not like she can even have any malicious intention at that age. I think like others have said, all you can do is firmly tell her 'no', maybe redirect her to a teething toy and then supervise them really closely. My friend's little girl (aged 2) bit my 10-month old and I didn't expect her to 'discipline' her, kids explore at this age and biting is a normal developmental stage. I mean my friend did tell her off and try to explain but I wasn't upset with her little girl or anything.
There’s not really much you can do at this age just a firm no and redirection. Maybe going forward just make sure you’re kept close and ensure the whole ‘gentle’ in enforced and not let your child get too close with their face 😅😅