Yes my little guy had a tongue and lip tie. It was pointed out by my LC even though my pediatrician said it was fine and we didn’t need to do anything. We got a consultation with two different doctors before deciding what to do. We ended up getting the procedure done at 8 weeks and I am so glad we did. Nursing was night and day- no more pain almost instantly. The exercises are tough at first, you feel like you’re torturing baby but they go super quick and get easier. We’re 4 weeks post procedure and his tongue slightly reattached but not to the extent it originally was. We still do the exercises just not every 4 hours during the night and nursing is still pain free. Good luck!
@Lauren Best wishes on the procedure. Will be calling for a consultation with a pediatric dentist on the procedure today.
Wow @Gina thanks for sharing that! So happy for you and baby!!
Tip: cut the fingers off of plastic gloves (I used the three middle fingers) or buy the restaurant finger cots so you’re not using too many gloves!
@Gina wow, I am so worried about post procedure and recovery. But I know it will be worth it so I am trying to put my worries aside. Glad to hear you little one is doing awesome
We got my baby's tongue and lip ties corrected when she was 2 weeks old. Honestly the stretches were really hard to keep up with especially because of our schedule and she screamed her head off every time but once she fully recovered she was a completely different baby so much happier
my baby had top lip tie, bottom lip tie & tongue tie. we had them cut at 3 months. recovery was rough i’m not gonna lie. he was back to normal 5 days after! the hardest part is the stretch’s they have you do after & my son was inconsolable after we did them. his speech therapist said he would’ve a speech impediment & he wasn’t able to nurse on me before and he can now so it was 100% worth it!
Mine didn’t but I did a lottttt of research when I was pregnant and it seems you’re better off getting it done so they can learn to speak and eat right instead of learning with the tie, potentially getting it removed as an adult, and going through the stress of relearning
We got the tongue and lip tie lasered at 2 weeks. Best decision ever!! Laser is better since it cauterizes and heals faster. Stretches are annoying but necessary. I immediately stopped getting nipple blisters and he started gaining more weight and stopped falling asleep at the breast from working so hard trying to get milk.
We went to a holistic dentist. The lactation consultant at the hospital warned us that pediatricians and even some ENTs will just blow it off
Yes :) my girl got hers @ 6 weeks. It was affecting her ability to eat and her belly was ssoooo distended it was so uncomfortable for her. After her frenectomy she latched on me immediately & gained weight overnight. The healing process was quite easy since she was so young, only was irritable the first day but some Tylenol helped her out… also make sure you do mouth/tongue,cheek exercises it’s not comfortable at first but helps so much… I planned it though, I addressed it to her doctor about a possible tongue tie; he did a feeding evaluation and agreed to having it done, the same day which was great.
@Zacoriah wish I did earlier but she was latching ok and gaining weight so I never suspected she had one until I complained about her sleeping with her mouth open and having a milk tongue. Now my greatest concern is the healing process but I am sure we will get through it.
@Irene my daughter also gained weight at a rapid rate but she kept latching and unlatching repeatedly during feeds, sometimes stopping to cry because it was so frustrating to her, she always had sucking blisters and I never figured out why until I put two and two together. But since baby is over 3 months she may be a bit more irritable since she’s much older but some Tylenol should do the job. I think the pain is more intense the first 2-3 days. My pediatrician also gave her some sugar water, maybe they’ll do the same for your baby girl.
@Zacoriah Hope so, thank you!😊
Hi! My baby has a slight tongue tie- he doesn’t really move his tongue side to side. He’s had a really hard time latching since birth so he’s been exclusively bottle fed breast milk. We met with lactation nurses, pediatrician, ENT Dr, and a speech therapist.. finally decided to do the frenectomy this Thursday. 🙏🏻