Sorry to hear this, sounds like my little one used to be! It is really tough so I hope you are doing okay. At 6 weeks through me pushing that something wasn’t right we found out he had a 70% tongue tie which we had fixed. Following this osteopathy was recommended to us as there were signs he had a lot of tension! He had his first session last week and I have to say he has been such a calmer baby since. Now I think it may be a mixture of having his tongue tie corrected and thus his latch improving and the osteopathy. However other people in my family have also sworn by osteopathy for their little ones!
Hey I think my baby (3weeks old)may have colic too. He’s my fourth child and I’ve never known anything like it. All my babies have been a dream but he just screams and cries and I’m sobbing everyday and night. Any advice appreciated I’m still trying to get a docs appt but feel like il end up at a&e at some point as I’m so worried it could be something else. What is cranial osteopath please? X
@Kayleigh only you know your baby and if you think there is something wrong definitely get it checked!! For me it ended up being a tongue tie but this was not picked up by doctors, midwives or health visitors! I had to advocate for my little one knowing his latch wasn’t right and eventually went private! There are various things that could be going on such as tongue tie or an allergy! Just be aware things like excessive gas, constipation, reflux - colicky symptoms are often caused by something. So just treating those symptoms isn’t getting to the route of the problem! Cranial osteopathy is gentle manipulation of the head, neck and spine which can help with babies with colicky symptoms and have a lot of tension created from birth or tongue tie. It’s very gentle it looks like they are being given a little massage with the osteopaths fingers!
Thank you. I’ve been to the doctors today I think he has a lactose intolerance so for the mammas thinking they just have colic, if they have diarrhoea it may be that! Xx
Hello, I diddnt use a osteopath but I can say I was in this situation and struggled so badly. Now I have a 13 week happy baby! It does get easier I promise you. Us colic mums are built differently honestly it’s hard hard hard work. Good luck hope it helps xx