Should I leave him?

My baby is 2 months old and for context my pregnancy was unexpected but very much wanted. My husband and I had been trying for years with no luck then last year we had a surprise pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage then this January I found out I was pregnant with our baby. My pregnancy was hard and I was in the ICU during almost my whole 1st trimester throwing up so bad I was in critical condition... My heart,lungs and liver suffered throughout my pregnancy,it was rough. Anyways I found out my husband had been texting/calling a 19 year old since Feb basically having a long distance relationship with her... He even sent her pictures of our baby when she was born, talked about our sex life to her, sent her money ... This isn't the first time he's cheated but I'm worried about our daughter not having her dad and also about his mom having a case for visitation rights if we divorce(neither of us want her in our child's life but in our state if u divorce the grandparents have a better chance of getting the rights)... I still love him but at the same time can't stand to be near him or look at him. Plus I'm a SAHM and was a house wife prior to my pregnancy so idk how I'm going to support myself or my child if I do divorce him. And if I do stay with him what boundaries should I make? How should I go about having a relationship with him in a healthy way?
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In this situation I would personally 100% leave. I couldn't and wouldn't be with someone that has not only cheated previously but then continued to cheat while I was in such a vulnerable place/position, with a 19y/o at that. I wouldn't necessarily leave straight away though as you clearly have other things you need to think about, plan and prepare for, so I would try to get myself into a position where I could leave.

People are quick to say leave him Have a conversation, your baby is still so young Does he still love or care about you? Make him promise to stop cheating then as things go along and your baby is growing try to save up and get back to work when you’re ready, if all these time he’s still the same then you should leave and by then you would have enough to support yourself and your baby

Eww👆👆👆 Try and save up money but disconnect emotionally and leave him. Remember men can’t take what they dish out

I mean, if this isn’t the 1st time, it’s a pattern. I am 100% one of those friends that will say leave your husband, but only because I know there are decent men out there that will love you right. If he had enough money for you to be a SAHM or a housewife AND send her money, he has enough for child support and alimony. He cheated your entire pregnancy and that’s something a woman doesn’t forget. It’s the most vulnerable time of our lives for most of us, and he didn’t pick you or your baby.

@Daniella orrrr have some self respect and don't be a doormat. What absolutely terrible advice 🤢

Make him promise to stop cheating??? I’m sorry but if someone has cheated multiple times, I doubt a promise is going to do much. Ultimately it’s your decision but personally I would leave.

@Peer95 self respect and become a single mom with no source of income? If there wasn’t a new born involved then I’ll say leave but that’s not the case, it’s not easy to cater for yourself and your newborn when you’re just recovering as well

Gather enough evidence of his infidelity while you’re at it so you can get enough money for child support and alimony

If he’s cheated more than once he will 100% cheat again in the future. I think you need to work out if you can go somewhere like your own parent/s house for now and make plans to divorce and leave this man. If you stay with family that gives you time to heal further and start looking for a job to get back on your feet once you feel ready after having your little one. Don’t settle for a loser who thinks he can do what he wants, know your worth!

Imagine when your daughter is 19 and he’s hitting on all her friends 🤢 leave him, take him to court for child support/alimony, and apply for all the benefits you can.

Some of the advice on this app 🤦🏾‍♀️

You’re doing more harm by staying that will negatively impact your daughter. If he wants to be a dad he’ll be involved even after you’re divorced. If not focus on you two, counseling in the future I mean they do have infant mental health counseling now too. Grandparents rights are usually hard to get unless they are basically raising the child already. You’ll have to get a job. Ask for temporary support through the court. Utilize resources to help you save money. You can do it. Commitment, respect, dedication is mandatory in any relationship. He’s already violated boundaries and you’ve stayed. You can set them again but ultimately he’s going to do what he wants

Start making an exit plan, get a part time job or try to find a side hustle. Start now, know where you want to go, get your evidence together of his infidelity. Even if you just separate temporarily or go full on divorce. Start planing your next move.

Honestly if I was in your position I would start getting my ducks in a row for an exit strategy that's gonna benefit me and my child. The cheating is bad enough but for your husband to do that while you're in such a vulnerable place for me is just unforgiving. I'm sorry you're going through this

I'm with @Megan play the long game until you are in a position to leave comfortably, sounds like you don't have to worry about intimacy as he's getting it else where. If you can stomach it.

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What happened to getting a portion of the mans wealth to secure your future?

Oh girl, this will happen again- this is such a massive betrayal and the trust will never be back. That’s so so awful of him to do whilst you were pregnant and shows he has no respect for you I’m so sorry this happened :( I would start making an exit plan, you should never just stay for a child because believe me- miserable parents is a miserable child. If your daughter was older and had a partner who did this to her, what would you say? What would your advice be? If you do decide to stay make sure you’ve completely forgiving him and can move on, otherwise it’ll turn into toxicity & trust issues and it’s not fair for anyone xx

He’s a predator and that’s more worrisome than cheating. His mother won’t get rights. It’s a silly thing to focus on considering the bigger issue. Please go to a shelter so they can help you get on your feet.

Omfg I’m so sorry girl..

Leave. Stats say if they're this way during your pregnancy then it only gets worse. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'd 100000% leave.

Btw get proof of this and start documenting. With this sick behavior as someone mentioned "predator"... Get out of this and build your support and get as much proof as possible to get sole custody from this person. You'll need to show facts later, that's if you leave.

First of all I just want to say you are strong for many reasons, but for one because you had it in you to even give him another chance. Now believe the actions. Do you have family? Can they help? Like others said too gather as much evidence as you can to cover yourself no matter what you decide. Shoot make him admit via text if you can if that’s a thing with the court system in your state. Some are not at-will states and they will look down on cheating when divorcing. I’d start planning my exit. You don’t deserve that and your daughter doesn’t deserve to see you miserable if you stay. If the in-law is a major concern Id save to move states and separate for 6 months. That way that new state has jurisdiction over the child. I’m giving you the advice I followed. So sorry you’re going through this crap.

@Ebunoluwa period

@Megan agree! To add to that, This is going to be tough but you will realize just how strong you are ❤️

@Daniella been there, done that I'm afraid. I took my self respect and my baby and was a single parent from the hospital :)

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