This is the exact same thing that has happened to my daughter! We went from no poos and her being in pain still with aptamil pepti, to now 1-2 explosive poos a day with nutramigen. I was just happy she was finally becoming frequent, but I’m with you on the multiple outfit changes! I’m going to mention it to the paediatrician when we go on Thursday for our review!
@Annie Williams I spoke to my health visitor and she said it's normal for the first few weeks whilst they get used to the formula and swap over from previous formula she said give about 6 weeks and they should get better, although with nutramigen they will be looser stools all the time they shouldn't be so explosive and watery after a good few weeks on it xx
My little boy was doing 8+ explosive poos a day so went back to doctors and they changed him onto an amino acid formula x