I've see so many mommas post their worries about hitting milestones. It's so confusing when your baby is born early, because you can't really compare them or follow any of the fun apps etc. When to consider the corrected age and when the actual age. And confusion about the mental/emotional development vs the physical. "Is my child normal, should I worry, seek help?"
My baby was born almost three months early and we obviously had a hard start like many of you.
She's almost 1 now (9 months corrected) and she was "behind" in many ways. But in these last few days she's learned to react to her name, crawl on her knees, clap, say dadadadada, turn pages, actually eating solids, making a lot of contact, even jokes! And today, three days after learning to crawl, she's standing up! Like she's being doing it for weeks!
I just wanted to share because I think we premi/nicu moms need to let go of anything that's expected even more than full-term moms. Just love your little fighter and see how they surprise you! They'll be fine in their own way, on their own terms.
Needed to hear this today