A lot of people with irregular periods do work out their date using clear blue tests. You are most likely going to be 4-5 weeks along so due end of June. The NHS base it on your last period when you have a scan so your due date maybe change and it's nothing to be concerned about. This scan can happen anywhere between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy, if they scan you and your earlier they will ask you to come back for a rescan as they can only carry out the screening tests in this timeframe.
Going by my LMP I’d be 11+2 today🫠 After a private scan I’m 8+2 (which I knew anyway because I tracked ovulation). So the Clearblue test will likely be more accurate xx
Hey, I had a little girl in April! They will go off the first day of your last period, until your 12 week dating scan x