Idk why but in my mind Brianna sounds like “bree-Anna” whereas Breanna would be “bray-Anna” just food for thought x
My middle name is Brianna and anytime its used, its always shortened to "bree" anyway. Breanna would be like "bray-anna".
My daughter is named Brianna and we call her Bri for short or Bri Bri (amongst many other nicknames lol) We pronounce her name as if there is an R in there though … if that makes sense. Great choice of name 👍🏼😁
Here’s how they seem to me on first reading: Brianna pronounced like banana Breanna pronounced like Bahamas
Brianna in the U.S. is pronounced Bri Ana and Breanna is Bre Ann A. And the nickname Bri goes with the first and Brea with the second