@Sophie I had to have stopped breastfeeding before I could transfer.
@Amy sorry on your chemical, I think you can try again next cycle (although most likely the one after this bleed due to paperwork / timings etc) if you want. You should get a post transfer consultation and they will advise next steps.
@Sophie no I’m not breastfeeding I think you have had to have stopped though before transfer x
@Danielle ah okay thank you! I have another blood test scheduled for Friday just to check the hcg has gone down more incase of ectopic. Hopefully they’ll tell me about a post consultation after that then x
@Sophie we have 2 embryos left x
When I had a chemical after FET they let me transfer in the following cycle but then it was negative - we had no embryo left so had to start a new cycle which then resulted in my baby boy. In hindsight I think I should have waited after that chemical and let my body recover a bit. Of course no way I could know, just a gut feeling really.
I’m sorry that this happened. Do you mind sharing if you breastfeed your little girl? I haven’t done my FET yet but during my post ER consultation I asked and my FS said to wait at least one full cycle. Do you still have Embryos left or would you need to do another ER?