My first son was 7 weeks early, my second was on his due date I’ve noticed a difference between the two developing ( can’t say for sure it’s related but I do feel it is - I also had HG very bad with my first son so I think he didn’t get what he needed nutrition wise to grow properly) My first son is 2.6 now and he’s definitely behind with his speech ( only speech ) but is getting there in his own time , it just seems to take him an extra few months to get things and that’s fine ! Everyone’s different ! Our health visitor did initially refer us to speach therapy but then next month she decided to wirthdrsw and just let him do it in his own time as she saw what we saw ( he just needs a few extra months to catch up and he gets it )
His pediatrician and I have had talks about this. He thankfully is very healthy and is at age level for a lot but he feels it is due to being early he sent a referral to birth to 3 to help with this to stay on top of it but birth to 3 did an evaluation said he's behind in things but not the percentage behind where they would do services
My son was 8 weeks early and he isn't saying things yet or making da or ma or ba sounds but I'm trying not to worry as his adjusted age is 8 months almost 9 x
My son was not premature and he was not saying any words at one year. I thought he was babbling but after he really started babbling I realised he hadn’t really been babbling for what was expected at that age. He was also ‘behind’ on several communication skills- wasn’t waving, pointing etc. However he was well ahead on gross motor movements and had been walking since 9 months. Around 13 months his speech really picked up and he started showing more interest in communicating with us. Once he started speaking words he just kept learning and developing. At his two year appointment he was ahead in all areas including his speech and communication and there are zero concerns. Some children just develop different skills at different times.
What's his pediatrician say? If you're worried I'd ask them. Especially with the age adjustment it's probably not something to worry about.